Prof. Dra. Patrícia Pascoal

Clinical and Health Psychology
Psychological Association Number 2296
Psychotherapy; Sexuality
Portuguese, English, Spanish
Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy; Couples Therapy; Sex Therapy
Psychotherapist and Supervisor os Psychotherapy accredited by the Portuguese Association of Behavior Therapy
Specialist in Clinical and Health Psychology from the Ministry of Health - Senior Health Technician Career
Sex Therapist by the Portuguese Society of Clinical Sexology
Full-time Clinical Psychologist at the SNS (Portuguese National Heath System) from 1999 to 2008 (highlights: Center for Drug Addiction Treatment of Taipas; Behavioral Psychotherapy Service at Hospital Júlio de Matos)
Professor at Lusófona University: coordination of the Masters in Clinical and Health Psychology; Deputy director of the PhD in Clinical Psychology, Cognitive-Behavioral orientation
Post-Doc University of Porto (FCT Scholarship)
European PhD in Clinical Psychology (FCT Scholarship)
Bachelor's and Master's Degree from the University of Coimbra
Dozens of articles published in international journals indexed in Quartile 1 and 2
Chapters in National and International Books
Member of several funded projects
Integrated member of CICPSI- University of Lisbon; from SexLab - University of Porto and HEI-Lab
Vice Editor of Sexual Medicine (Open Access)
Associate Editor of Frontiers in Psychology in Clinical Settings
Member of the editorial boards of different magazines in the area of Sexual Health
Advisory Committee of the World Sexual Health Association (2017-2021)
Scientific Committee of the World Sexual Health Association (2017-2021)
Deputy – coordinator of the Education Committee of the International Society for Sexual Medicine
Portuguese Society of Clinical Sexology - President (2018-2021)
Portuguese Association of Behavior Therapy – member of social bodies (2018-present)