Dra. Lisa Vicente

Medical Board Number 35137
Portuguese, English, French, Spanish
Preconception, Pregnancy and postpartum surveillance, Diabetes and pregnancy, Contraception, Sexology and sexual dysfunctions, Menopause, Trans Health and Gender Diversity
Graduate Assistant in Gynecology-Obstetrics. Postgraduate in Sexual Medicine. Recognized Competence in Sexology by the Order of Physicians.
Responsible for the Reproductive Health Consultation of the Portuguese Diabetics Protective Association (APDP) since 2002.
Member of the Sexology Competence Board of the Order of Physicians since 2017. President of the Sexology Competence Board since 2023.
Trainer in the Clinical Sexology Specialization Courses of the Portuguese Society of Clinical Sexology (SPSC), in the Postgraduate Courses in Human Sexuality (FML-SPSC), and in the Doctoral Program in Human Sexuality at the Faculty of Psychology and Education of Porto.
Trained in Gynecology-Obstetrics at the Maternidade Dr. Alfredo da Costa.
Collaborator of the National Reproductive Health Program of the Directorate-General of Health (2007-2009).
Head of the Division of Sexual, Reproductive, Child, and Juvenile Health at the Directorate-General of Health (2009-2016).
Between 2016 and 2023, worked at the Maternidade Dr. Alfredo da Costa – Central Lisbon University Hospital's Maternal-Fetal Medicine Service. Coordinator of the Diabetes and Pregnancy Consultation (2017-2023).
Co-author of books on diabetes care, contraception, sexuality, Public Health, Female Genital Mutilation.
Author and co-author of scientific articles in national and international scientific journals.
Articles published in popular magazines and mass media on Sexual Health and Reproductive Health.
Author of the book "The V Atlas." Arena / Penguin Random House (2019), addressing gender issues, sexual response, and practical issues about the vulva and vagina throughout life. The book also discusses sexuality at different stages of life.
Participates in training activities for professionals in different fields of knowledge on topics such as sexual health, reproductive health, sexuality, LGBTQIA+ health, menopause, female genital mutilation, contraception, and diabetes.
Portuguese Society of Clinical Sexology (SPSC), where she coordinates the Women's Sexuality Committee of this Society (2008-2012 and 2018-2022), currently designated as the Women's Sexuality and Cultural Challenges Committee.
Member of the International Academy of Sex Research (IASR).
Portuguese Society of Obstetrics and Maternal-Fetal Medicine.
European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health (ESCRH).
Portuguese Contraception Society (SPDC).
Portuguese Society of Diabetology.
Portuguese Society of Andrology, Sexual Medicine, and Reproduction. Member of the Board (2017-2022).